Monday, September 14, 2015

Week 9 Dieselpunk Helmet

Forgot to post this yesterday but here is where the helmet is at with its textures. Completely remade the normals smoothing out the detail that was in the helmet and mask, it was cool but didnt fit with the look of it all that much as it was too rough looking. I also scaled up the head from the neck a little after critics from Dylan. Im thinking i might mess with the spec a bit so it has just a little more shine on the worn areas.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

week 9 concrete column (updated)

Here is the column with its textures and base now im pretty happy with how this has turned out now. Think im about done with this asset now but i may still make a few minor changes.(updated with some tweeks to the spec)

Saturday, September 12, 2015

week 9 Concrete column

Here is where the concrete column sits with its textures. Ive made some changes to its damage and silhouette completely remade the rebar as the old ones for some reason had some weird mesh problems. the ground and the rubble pile i am refining and will update with when i have them.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Week 7 Column update

For this i reworked the normals adding more depth variety to the cracks. Im still working on the bars trying to get their colors and normals how i want them. For its base with the rubble pile im re making the rocks to be more rock like as right now they just loks like rock colored blobs.

Week 7 helmet update

Ive made a few changes from last week tweeking the specular and normals. Still have to work on it more before it looks how i want it to but its getting closer.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Week 6 Helmet progress

Here is where the textures sit for the helmet as of today. For the colors i was looking a lot at how Wolfenstien: the New Order made their solders look and wanted to go in a similar direction with my color pallet. The texture on the mask needs to be adjusted a bit with it not looking quite right in a few spots particularly on the ends of the respirators. I'm also thinking of changing the colors of the little grate like areas.

Week 6 tutorial

For my tutorial i found this one on making rocks in zbrush simple but i found it super helpful and informative.

Week 6 Column progress

Here is were the concrete column stands with its textures as of now I'm happy with how most of it looks but I know it can be better than what it is and will be making changes to it as the week goes on. But overall I feel this is good progress for it just turning week 7.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Week 5 Tutorial

This tutorial is another to help me get back into the swing of zbrush with relearning its tools. About half of the ones in here i knew to a small extent but not that ive seen them in slightly more detail and learned new ones im feeling even more confident in my skill set as it grows.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Week 5 Dieselpunk Helmet

Here is what the helmet looks like as of this week. After our last class ive been in the process of making some changes to the design with adding on a new piece to the front of the mask over the "mouth" to help add more interest. What you see here are just some test colors for me to get an idea of what this will look like when i start texturing it.

Monday, August 10, 2015

week 4 Tutorial

This was a nice refresher for me since its been a while since ive used zbrush. But starting to get back into the swing of things thanks to this.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Week 4 V8 engine: modeling complete

Modeling for the V8 finished this one was still a tough one for me with the odd shapes in it and proportions of the parts particularly the pipes on the sides.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Week 4 Dieselpunk Helmet: modeling complete

The modeling for the Helmet is now finished im happy with how it has changed from what i started with. Very minor changes from last week with re-scaling the filters on the mask to fit better and not be so large. Im looking forward to get to texture this piece. Please let me know if there is anything that should be done with it.

Week 4 Damaged Column: modeling complete

The modeling for the damaged column in now complete it was a little more frustrating than i was hoping to get some of that detail in there but overall i am happy with how it has turned out. Took some ideas from Florenzo and made a somewhat nice presentation sheet for it. Please let me know what you think and if there is anything that should be done.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Week 3 Dieselpunk Helmet

For the helmet i wanted to play with the shape a little bit and change some pieces out. I curved in the face plate a it and scaled it a little bit smaller. For the top of the helmet I completely changed the design going from a british styled top to now a german one with hopes of giving it a slightly more intimidating look. Additionally I slimmed out the neck to give it more of the look like a normal person is wearing it and not someone with a fat neck like the old one did.

Week 3 prop Concrete Column

After the advice revived last week in class i took what I learned and completely remade my column from the ground up. I found a new reference to go from instead of several different ones from before Now my goal is to give the column the look that the damage was from an earthquake . After this reworking of it i am far more pleased with this prop than i was before.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Week 2 V8 Engine update 2

The modeling for the V8 is going a little slow since it has alot of different parts to it but I'm still feeling confident about it.

Week 2 concrete pillar update 1

The block out of the concrete pillar is done it has its general shape now its going to be refined and detailed in zbrush.

Week 2 Dieselpunk helmet update 1

Here is the helmet fully modeled I'm considering tweaking the shape a little more and maybe thinning it out since its looking a bit wide on the sides.